What scale is the railroad?
8/18/2001 | 8/4/2023 |
 | | The railroad is one-eighth scale (7.5 inch), or 1:8. Rolling stock is typically large enough to ride "on", yet not "in". |
What type of railroad is the White Creek Railroad?
6/9/2002 | 6/11/2002 |
 | | The White Creek Railroad is a "operational" railroad. This means we host an average of 10-20 trains switching rolling stock on the railroad once a month between the months of May and November. |
When did you start the hobby?
8/18/2001 | 8/18/2001 |
 | | August 1994, shortly after retiring from teaching. |
Where are the nearest hotels?
6/9/2002 | 10/25/2002 |
 | | The closest motel is in Rockford MI. There are several motels in northern Grand Rapids area. Most of these are from 20 to 22 miles from the track. |
Where is the railroad located?
8/18/2001 | 5/27/2013 |
 | | The track is located very near Cedar Springs Michigan which is about 20 miles North of Grand Rapids on US131. |
How long is the track?
8/18/2001 | 9/7/2010 |
 | | The track consists of over 5 miles of main line, and 2 miles of passing sidings, yard track, and industry spurs. To the best of my knowledge, it is the second or third longest 1:8 scale railroad in the world. |
How many acres is the track on?
8/18/2001 | 10/23/2002 |
 | | It's tough to gauge, but probably approximately 100 acres. The property is nearly 200 acres, but the business is on 40 acres and there are probably 50 acres of wetlands. |
How many switches does the track have?
8/18/2001 | 9/26/2005 |
 | | The last time I counted there was around 285. Another 10 are in the planning stages. |
How many trestles does the track have?
8/18/2001 | 6/11/2002 |
 | | 6 total. Each one had a unique length: 60, 140, 140, 180, 300, 320 (in feet). |
How much track is in the sun vs. shade?
6/9/2002 | 9/26/2005 |
 | | In the summer months, approximately 30% is in the sun and 70% is in the shade. |
Approximately, what are the dimensions of a locomotive?
8/18/2001 | 10/23/2002 |
 | | Most cars and engines are about 16 inches wide and vary in length from 3 ft for a very short tank car to 10ft long for a modern Dash 9 engine. |
Describe the WCRR rolling stock?
8/18/2001 | 10/23/2002 |
 | | Rolling stock describes any "railcar" that a locomotive pulls. As of this date, WCRR has 21 tank cars, 31 box cars, 4 covered hoppers, 3 reefers, 43 flat cars, 32 coal hoppers, 6 cabooses, 19 gondolas, 10 engines and 10 engineer riding cars(flat cars) and 6 maintenance of way cars. Also several other friends have engines and rolling stock stored at this RR. |
Approximately, what are the dimensions of a normal piece of rolling stock?
8/18/2001 | 6/11/2002 |
 | | Rolling stock is approximately 5 feet long, 1.5 feet high, and 1.5 feet wide. Weight ranges from 100 lbs. to 250 lbs., depending on content and construction. |
When did track construction begin?
8/18/2001 | 8/18/2001 |
 | | November 1994 |
How people have helped in the construction?
6/9/2002 | 10/23/2002 |
 | | Probably 15 -20 persons have been involved at one time or another. The majority of construction has been by 5 people. Usually only 1 or 2 persons are working on the RR on any given time. |
Is construction continuing?
8/18/2001 | 9/7/2010 |
 | | Track construction is nearly complete. Currently, most work is confined to small changes and routine maintenance. Changes take place as time and energy allow. |
Where can I find some other sites of interest?
8/18/2001 | 6/9/2002 |